Sep 09, 2018 | Mike Bower | 1072 views
Jr. Cougars 2005 T2 Blue Season Kickoff
Kitchener, ON - The Jr. Cougars 2005 T2 Blue kicked off their inaugural season at the KMHA Early Bird Tournament between September 7th and 8th, 2018. On behalf of the team, we would like to thank the Kitchener Minor Hockey
Association and Hockey Time Productions for graciously hosting a well organized tournament with a high level of competition
for our season opening games.
Throughout the tournament, our Jr. Cougars 2005 T2 Blue team became more acclimated to playing as a newly formed group of teammates and despite the outcomes; many positives were taken away from the tournament as building blocks to improving our game play for future games.
Lastly, the Jr. Cougars 2005 T2 Blue team would like to congratulate the Halton Hills Thunder and the Ancaster Avalanche for prevailing in the finals of your respective tournament pools.